I am ENDO who was doing the apparel brand called DEVILOCK until 2012. I moved to Vancouver,Canada after quitting DEVILOCK and worked on apparel locally but now I am based in the city of Portland, US and based mainly in the apparel business in the same way.
Just while doing such movements, there have been things that ourselves have inevitably held in the past in the past several years. Unlike the old days it was like anxiety about the fact that the Internet has developed and things are realistically felt quite a bit. Everyday we are confronted with the conflict in the midst of believing that it is the human form that it is the thing that we see and feel everything with the eyes and acting and getting new experiences with the person I met there I decided to go over the action and tell the meaning while I continued. That was the American round running project. I thought that it was an outrageous distance, but at the same time I felt like I had various experiences and encounters in running this distance, but I could not get excited. I moved various things to reality to stand on the start line, and finally I got the start line in 2014. Three years have passed since then, I have more experiences and encounters than I thought, I also told it through SNS and documentary programs, I think many people have felt something. Of course, I myself running is also quite different from the inner surface before starting from the start line, I am convinced that it forms itself in a very good form.
I wanted to tell more people about these day-to-day experiences and the wonderfulness of the US.
What kind of feelings do you keep running? I will release the items and people I met while running and the introduction of the city etc. ..
Thank you very much.

現在進行中の”THE WILD ONE”への応援メッセージやENDOさんに聞いてみたいことなどがありましたらコチラまで!
- 遠藤 憲昭 a.k.a. ENDO Profile
後に伝説となるブランド「DEVILOCK」を25歳と言う若さで設立し、それを通して数々のプロジェクトを発案。ブランドは2011年11月11日に解散するが、翌年には幕張メッセにて『DEVILOCK NIGHT THE FINAL』を開催して延べ7万人を動員。現在はオレゴン州ポートランドに主な拠点を置きながら、自身の店舗「VOLE」をカナダバンクーバーで展開するほか、2014年よりアメリカ一周を目標に掲げた壮大なランニングプロジェクト”THE WILD ONE”をアメリカはサンディエゴよりスタート。instagram:@endonoriaki CHOOSE by ENDO(https://picker.stores.jp)